Studying in the present day should leave traditional paper and books into a fully internet based activity or more known as e-learning. with e-learning, one does not require read or have paper books anymore. The same amount of knowledge printed in a book can be easliy taken over by the huge collection of ebooks spread across the net. Yet, the methods of learning isn't restricted to only reading. One can pick his best favorable way of learning from the various medias such as videos, online courses, ebooks, games and many more.

       Corporations now report that e-Learning is the second most valuable training method that they use. This is no surprise, given that e-Learning saves businesses at least 50% when they replace traditional instructor-based training with e-Learning. Not to mention that e-Learning cuts down instruction time by up to 60%. E-learning has been the new improved way of studying. It's fame has been spread out through the the many elements of life whether work or student life. Today, it's estimated that about 46% college students are taking at least one course online. However, by 2019, roughly half of all college classes will be eLearning-based. The sudden boom of e-learning is because of it's many benefits. Some to be mentioned are the affordability, capability allowing one to learn anywhere, learn more effectively, take different courses, and better reschedulement.

       The first benefit e-learning brings is the affordability it gives. Nowdays, learning may seem as an exclusive chance for some. Not everyone can afford it, perhaps because of the cost being too expensive. The need to pay big fees for earning knowledge such for buying books, examination papers, and many more. The accesibility of someone to a certain learning institution may also burden the cost rate. A person living in remote and far distances from learning institutions may have to pay more to get the same amount of education. With e-learning, one has less and even no more need to go anywhere further than their home desks to get high quality education, making it far more affordable. They can learn free even from the many ebooks and online courses. Some courses even gives professional certificates of completion which one can collect buy paying a relatively cheap amount.

       The next benefit is the capability it brings allowing one to basically learn anywhere. Normally one would have to go to school, university, institutions, or formal places of studying to earn education. People living in places far from educational access would have certain constraints letting them from fully learning. Remote areas, villages, small cities may have lower educational qualities and even none from those in big cities. With e-learning, anyone with internet access could get the same educational content spread throughout the web. They have a less and even no need to go to a formal learning places. They could learn at home, work, and even at any spare time through their mobil gadgets. One will never again be constrained by the location of school or college. Learning at home, or while sitting in a coffee bar having a sip of coffee, it is the own choice of the students to pick their most suited place of learning by the mood.

       Another benefit is one may choose their own pace of learning. Everyone has their own different ability and speed to recieve information. Some may take longer, whilst others may understand things right away. Perhaps one has ever felt the feeling of dragging other fellow students or even get dragged by. The fact that e-learning is a fully individual based activity, let's each learner to have their own quality learning time. They may have their different learning habbits, therefore could better adjust to it by learning individually.
       One perhaps might want to take different courses while having another main major of study. Wanting to learn how to paint, or how to create a robot but never had any art nor mechatronics background, is an example. With the many constraints in hand, one would usually have to pick and focus on one major only. Far accomodation, more payment and small amount of time would be some of the constraints. E-learning would be a great solution for doing different courses. It has a massive selection of majors to choose. One may be doing a sports major while learn about astrophysics online.

       One may say that e-learning removes the face-to-face session between teacher and students. Therefore reduce the quality and the amount of comprehession that a teacher provide. That is not entirely true. E-leaning doesn't  remove all the times that a student may recieve direct interaction. It simply reschedules and gives more time to a student to better understand a certain kowledge. A hybrid e-learning session is an example of good collaboration between the internet based method and learning institutions.

       From the many benefits said above, one may conclude that e-learning gives a  far more flexible learning experience. It really gives the power to someone to be able to set and better reschedule their time. It let's them learn more within the same amount of time and their same daily routinity. It has a lower cost and less need for paper usage, reducing the nature impact. E-learning is a more efficient and effective way of learning, therefore traditional may be fully removed or done side-by-side with it.

    Back then when I was at home, my father used to tell me stories about his childhood. It was the time when kids still play outdoor games such as hop-scothch, hide-'n-seek, congklak. The time when kids walk  far distances just to get to school. The times when communicating with someone would mean waiting months, even years just to get a mail back. Now days, the world has went on a revolutionary time since The Internet was born. The Internet is a massive interconnected network which has really changed the way human lives. Some of the changes includes the way people get entertained, how they obtain knowledge, and how it further speeds up the scientific progress.

    Entertainment now days is highly influenced by the network Internet has made. It has introduced the world with many different cultures and habits. Sudden music “boom” and viral actions happen as a monthly basis, weekly even. Social media and online games has stayed real close to the youth, while adults may find online newsfeeds and e-shopping as time-fillers.

    The next aspect is the way internet changes how people gain knowledge. The World Wide Web, known as the famous WWW has offered many means of learning through it’s vast collection of videos, e-books and online courses made by other internet users. One from a literature background could now easily learn how to hack a car or build a computer just with the touch of a click. Boring text books can now be replaced by the more interesting interactive learning medias. Studying in classes doesn’t need to be literally done, but simply through online classes via Skype or Google Hangouts. Learning has now turned into a very cheap and affordable thing, yet not losing it’s quality in any way.

    The last part is how internet speed up the scientific progress. As mentioned earlier, the interconnectivity of the internet has really eased the way people communicate, especially within the scientific domain. It has connected scientists from all around the globe, enabling them to share and collaborate. Papers and new findings are spread fast across the network. To mention some of them are the Human Genome Project, The Foldit Game which gave insight to the reproduction of HIV, and also National Geographic website which provides many information of the innovations human has made.

    Despite the many benefits internet has brought, it also brings it’s very dark-sides. Some of them are the individualistic culture that it builds, crimes such as internet fraud to stolen identities, and also the shaping of a literally less moving society because of the very ease it brings in many human aspects.

The internet has made it’s many good changes and some dark-sides to the human culture, yet it is an inevitable process. The rapid changes it makes, really depicts how we always revise and keep on learning. It has become the figure of our 21st civilization.

    It was just a normal day, at the mid-winter times when a common American boy, say John, entered high school for the first time. He was full of hope as he wondered how he would start his first freshman days. Not so long, a big guy approached and started to tease him. Days passed, but his friends were helpless as he got bullied from time to time. John remained silent, not telling his parents about his problem. Luckily he got help and did not commit any further reckless acts. If the bullying had gone any longer, there might just be a raise in numbers of teenage suicide statistics, for many were caused by it. The act of teenagers staying silent and emotionally closed to their close ones has been a cause to suicidal acts.

(just a "Using Personal Examples" text)
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